Tarot & Geomancy


I use a “pay from the heart” model, as developed by Mark Silver. This model encourages you to “check in with your heart and find out what feels right.” My standard request is $30 per reading. If you can pay more than that, you are helping me support those who can pay less. My minimum request is $20 per reading, unless this puts food and shelter at risk. If that is the case, please consult with me.


Tarot dates back to 15th century Italy. Originally a playing card game, Tarot was destined to become the modern day’s most popular form of divination. The Tarot consists of 78 cards: four suits (pentacles, swords, wands, and cups) with 14 cards each and 22 trump cards, sometimes called the majors. Each card has a particular set of meanings and, when placed before the diviner, the interaction between the cards tells a story of what was, what is, and what is still yet to be.

Tarot shows you the bigger picture. Tarot reveals the story around the events in your life, how these events are likely to turn out, and what role you and others play in creating your reality. Tarot shows you where to put your best foot forward and where to hold back.


Geomancy is an old form of divination that originated in the Middle East. Diviners would make marks in the sand using a pointing stick and then would tally up these marks to create special figures, similar to I Ching. Each of these 16 special figures had a particular meaning. By noticing the order in which the figures appeared in a reading, the diviner could answer a myriad of questions, from “will the crops be successful this year” to “where did I misplace my necklace.”

Geomancy is direct. If you want a “no nonsense” answer that cuts to the chase, geomancy is for you. A geomantic reading will reveal to you a situation’s outcome, what influences are affecting the situation and how, and where you can find strength and expect struggle.