About Me

Hello! I’m Bryce.

I have spent most of my life studying various religions and spiritual traditions in search for the boundlessness of the Sacred. I have a B.A. in Religious Studies with a certificate in Celtic Studies from the University of Wisconsin-Madison, a Master of Divinity with concentration in pastoral counseling and chaplaincy from Cherry Hill Seminary, and a certificate in Spiritual Direction from Cherry Hill Seminary.

Driven by a call to serve my community, I combine my mystic heart with my training in clinical spiritual care to offer empathic and research-driven spiritual support. I am a Wiccan High Priest and coven leader of the Alexandrian Tradition, as well as a legally ordained minister through Covenant of the Goddess. I am a board-certified chaplain, working full-time in hospice.

I’m committed to providing ethical spiritual direction in accordance with Spiritual Directors International’s Guidelines of Ethical Conduct.