Spiritual Direction
About Spiritual Direction
Also called spiritual companionship, spiritual direction is a relationship that deepens how we connect our bodies, minds, and spirits to the Sacred. As someone trained in many ways of noticing, listening to, and experiencing the Sacred, a spiritual director holds space that invites you to explore your relationship with what you hold most holy. Spiritual direction invites you to recognize how the Sacred shows up in your daily routine, to journey to the places of Mystery where you meet the Holy, and to embody the experience of living a sacred life.
Spiritual direction has roots in many ancient and modern cultures, religions, and wisdom traditions. People of all and no religious beliefs find value in spiritual direction.
Spiritual Direction with Bryce
My Commitment
I am committed to providing ethical spiritual direction in accordance with the Guidelines for Ethical Conduct as set forth by Spiritual Directors International. I am committed to keeping confidentiality unless the situation involves child or elder abuse. I am a mandatory reporter of child and elder abuse. I am committed to holding space for your spirit with humility, attentiveness, and care for you.
I offer one-hour spiritual direction sessions via Zoom. New clients are asked to commit to one session per month for three months. After the first three months, clients may schedule more or fewer sessions per month as needed.
I use a “pay from the heart” model, as developed by Mark Silver. This model encourages you to “check in with your heart and find out what feels right.” My standard request is $75 per session. If you can pay more than that, you are helping me support those who can pay less. My minimum request is $50 per session, unless this puts food and shelter at risk. If that is the case, please consult with me.
Getting Started
Use the button below to set up a free initial consult. This is a relaxed conversation in which we get to know one another, and I get to learn what your goals are for spiritual direction.