Navigate Your Sacred Life

Journey to the Ninth Wave

Mediaeval Irish wisdom tells us that when we sail to the precipice of the ninth wave, we come face-to-face with the Otherworld. Here we ride the liminal waters that mix the conscious and unconscious realities, and we encounter truths so deep that they can only be told of in poetry and art. Sitting astride the ninth wave, we call into the Sacred Infinite and it dances before us.

Spiritual director and diviner, Bryce, encourages you to set your boat upon the seas and to journey to the edge of your own soul’s ninth wave. Bryce is committed to holding space for you, joining you in your boat and among the waves, as you navigate your own sacred life.

Meet Bryce

My life is a journey to experience how the Sacred erupts into our personal and collective lives. I find myself grounded in the Western Mystery traditions and open to where the Sacred calls me. A mystic at heart, I combine my deep-held love for the Ineffable with my training in clinical spiritual care to offer empathic, connected, and embodied spiritual support.

I am a Wiccan High Priest and coven leader of the Alexandrian Tradition, as well as a legally ordained minister through Covenant of the Goddess. I have a Master of Divinity and certification in Spiritual Direction from Cherry Hill Seminary, and I work as a full-time hospice chaplain.


  • Spiritual Direction

    Spiritual direction is a relationship that deepens how we connect to the Sacred. Spiritual direction invites you to journey to the places of Mystery where you meet the Holy and to embody the experience of living a sacred life.

  • Tarot

    Gain insight into the world around you. The Tarot is a system of 78 cards which date back to the Italian Renaissance. The cards allow us to see how both the large and the subtle universal energies influence our lives.

  • Geomancy

    Geomancy allows us to see how the relationships between universal energies impact our lives. Geomancy consists of 16 figures which are plotted onto a specialized chart. It is a great way to uncover a direct, impactful response to any question.